Thursday, October 17, 2013

Invasive Species

Invasive species are species that are introduced to a different non-native environment. This is mainly done by humans accidentally introducing these non-native species by lack of care in transportation. Invasive species invade and take the resources (nutrients, water, space) of the native species who are not adapted to defend against the non-native species. These invasive species go into a period of exponential growth due to no predators challenging there populations. The effects that invasive species puts on an ecosystem,  can drastically change the local food webs. Examples such as killing native species, taking over specific food chains because of no natural predators, and invasive species will out compete native species for resources. Things that can be done to prevent invasive species outbreak is to never let loose pets of any sort into the environment, restrictions on transported goods, clean boats before moving to a different body of water, and clean objects such as kicking gear when moving from place to place. If all these are in place and people follow them then invasive species will vanish from the map.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Homecoming Blog Entry

Sparta's homecoming is a great experience. Firstly, we have a whole day off of school, which is one of the better things about it. Secondly, there are the homecoming speeches, which is one of the more boring things until you get someone that acually has a good speech. Thirdly, there are a lot of games that are fun. Then there is Mock Rock. Mock Rock is a kind of high school musical thing. Teachers get together students and they perform a theme that is selected for that specific class, an example is the juniors had the roaring 20's, so our class did the Great Gatsby with other songs from the 20's aswell. The football game is the best part. We usually lose but this year we won 42-14. Lastly, there is the dance. I have only gone to one, just because sports get in the way, but the time I went it was pretty fun.  

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Brief Summary

My name is Cole Orlikowski. I currently play on the Varsity teams for Hockey and Golf for Sparta High School. I live on Camp Lake near Sparta, Michigan. My favorite subjects are science and history, although science is more interesting to me. I hope to one day enter into the fields of either medical or astronomy. I am taking A.P. Bio to further my education in the area of biology and hope to get college experience of how college courses will work.